Look at all these great bargains that I picked up!
I'm thinking that I'll use this to track the increase in reading stamina this year! I can also use it to show how many total minutes that we've read over the week or month! Love it!
I was so excited to find those orange ice trays! The label says that it's a flower, but we all know it's really a Chicka Chicka tree! LOL! I'm going to laminate some of the Bingo cards so that they'll last longer and then cut and laminate individual squares for the calling cards. Those ocean stampers are going to be perfect to use during my Ocean Unit! They'll be great story starters, begining and ending
letter activities or a middle vowel sound sorting game! Lots of ideas keep swimming into my head!
These cute little clipboards were too sweet to resist! I have some old clipboards like these, but they are plain white and I think it's time to update and add these cutie pie ones to my Centers! I actually purchased 6 clipboards. I always try to purchase Center materials in sets of 6 because then I'm sure I have enough for every kiddie to have their own item or material to work with at that time!
Have a great week! You deserve it!